The Swami goes 4 for 8 and is looking for a new job

The Effluent Eight for #NephMadness are out and The Swami is not looking so hot.

Let’s break it down by region

Women’s Health Region

Swami’s Pick: Menopause and CKD

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: Reproductive Planning

I still like my pick. Menopause in CKD is so poorly understood and it affects so many more people with CKD. I think this is a #BlueRibbonFail

Animal House

Swami’s Pick: Shark Maintenance of Osmolality

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: Camel Water Storage

I went with what I thought was the crowd favorite, shark. This is a case where the blue ribbon panel dug in to the science and I just waved with the crowd. #SwamiSucks

Peritoneal Dialysis Region

Swami’s Pick: Volume Control in PD

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: Volume Control in PD

A win.

Trial Outcomes Region

Swami’s Pick: 40% Reduction in eGFR

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: Patient Related Outcomes

Interesting pick by the BRP. I can see the logic. Fair choice.

Hyponatremia Region

Swami’s Pick: US Guidelines

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: US Guidelines

Another win. Two for five would get me in the Hall of Fame if I was up against major league pitching. I’m not.

Contrast Region

Swami’s Pick: Contrast is nephrotoxic

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: Contrast in CKD 4

Not sure I understand the logic here. If you really think contrast is nephrotoxic, don’t you need to double down and take it over Contrast in CKD 4? If you giving contrast to a patient with a GFR of 16 ml/min, you really don’t think it’s nephrotoxic, now do you?

Pediatric Nephology Region

Swami’s Pick: Genes in CAKUT

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: Genes in CAKUT

Michelle should have listened to me.

Transplantation Region

Swami’s Pick: The Untransplantables

Blue Ribbon Panel’s Pick: The Untransplantables

Nailed it.

So The Swami goes 4 for 8. Not bad, but not good enough. Thinking about moving this crystal ball on e-bay.