Calculating the urinary microalbumin to creatinine ratio

One of my high volume referring doctors uses a lab which does not calculate the microalbumin to cr ratio. It always stops me in my tracks when I see the values.

  1. To convert microalbum and urine creatinine to the useful ratio first make sure both values are expressed as mg/L or mg/ml
  2. Divide the microalbumin concentration by the creatinine concentration
  3. Multiply the resulting ratio by 1,000 to get mg albumin over grams creatinine
For example a patient had the following labs:

Microalbumn urine 5.6 mg/dL

Creatinine urine 91.2 mg/dL

Dividing the albumin by cr gives: 0.061

Multiply that by 1,000 to get 61 mg albumin/g creatinine

3 Replies to “Calculating the urinary microalbumin to creatinine ratio”

  1. Mathias, your excellent calculator has earned a spot on the first page of my iPhone.

    Yeah, that mg/dL for urinary microalbumin threw me for a loop. Strange units.

  2. I too have to calculate the albumin to creatinine ratio in HTN patients (why don't lab reports do this!? but I digress….). You mention that the units have to be in mg/L or mg/mL but the example above has units in mg/dL (which is the units I see most often). If they are both in mg/dL will you get the same result? Also, are you multiplying the ratio by a thousand to get the units for the creatinine in grams or are you converting the microalbumin to albumin? Thanks!

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