- Updated June 2011
- Added CKD data
- included the two RCTs of allopurinol on CKD progression (both positive)
- 121 slides
- Keynote is 96mb, PDF 59mb
- You can do it in an hour, really, you can
- Here is a handout with miniatures of the slides (pdf, 3.8 mb)
Hello Dr. Topf,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I had a question in regards to one of your lectures. I was wondering why there is a low level of Uric acid in euvolemic hyponatremia but not in hypervolemic or hypovolemic hyponatremia. Also, how is it that Na taken in equals Na excreted in euvolemic hyponatremia?
All the best,
This is similar to what we see with urea. The following description of urea handling gives a model that will work for uric acid, though the truth of uric handling is much more complex.
Okay nephrologists, we have suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous trial after trial going
against us. It is time to put down those depressing journals full of non-significant P values and stretch our imagination. It is time to design our own dream randomized controlled trial. The assignment is to target the most important question you see in nephrology today and design a trial to answer it. One question not enough for you? Design a trial to answer two questions ACCORD style, two questions not enough, go all AASK and design a 2×3 factorial design. Money no object, forget about pesky IRBs, let your mind free and create the trial which will meaningfully push back the walls of knowledge.
After you post your entry at your site of choice, UKidney will host a summary with a link for each entry and gather votes for the best. You can take a look at Jordan Weinstein’s Dream RCT here.
And may the IRB be ever in your favor.
Humans have higher uric acid levels than almost other animals. This is primarily due to the lack of uricase, but also due to our efficient renal reabsorption of filtered uric acid by URAT1 and GLUT9. Traditionally, it has been believed that hyperuricemia causes renal disease by precipitating intraluminal crystals, analogous to gout crystals in the joints. More recent data however, implicates lower levels of uric acid in hypertension and chronic kidney disease through suppression of nitric oxide formation, stimulation of inflammation through NF-kappa beta and other mechanisms. Supporting these theories are animal studies that show febuxostat and allopurinol reduce renal damage in multiple models of kidney disease (here and here).
Epidemiologic studies linking uric acid to chronic kidney disease show a definite association but whether the uric acid causes the kidney disease is difficult to tease out. Attempts to show that have shown mixed results.
Four interventional studies have attempted to answer this question in humans:
![]() |
From Goicoechea’s study of 100 patients |
More information can be found on uric acid in my grand-rounds or in an excellent Narrative Review from AJKD.
Despite multiple randomized trials showing allopurinol to be effective in CKD, don’t be fooled, both trials were tiny with limited follow-up.
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Diameter of the circle is proportional to the trial size |
Given that background, it seems well past time to commit to finding a definitive answer to the question of whether we should be using xanthine oxidase inhibitors to slow the progression of chronic kidneys disease.
Scouring ClincalTrials.gov I could find only one study that is addressing this hole in our knowledge. The Joslen Center is planning, but has not yet started enrolling, a double-blind, placebo controlled multi-center trial of allopurinol in type 1 diabetics. The study design looks pretty sharp with iothalamate GFRs after 3 yrs of therapy being the primary outcome. However I am dreaming bigger and want my study to apply to all patients, not just type 1 diabetics with nephropathy.
My dream study is a placebo controlled, double-blind, multi-center, randomized controlled trial. The study population is CKD stage 3 patients with hyperuricemia (uric acid over 7 mg/dL). This represents a lot of the population with kidney disease which means that the results, if positive, would literally influence the treatment of millions of people. The study will use block randomization and quotas to assure a varied distribution of renal disease. At least a third of the population will have proteinuria and half will have diabetes.
All patients with proteinuria would need to be on RAAS inhibition unless they could not tolerate it. Blood pressure would be treated by the treating physician using JNC8 guidelines. Patients would be randomized to one of three arms:
If the uric acid remained above 7 after one month of treatment the study drug would be doubled. Patients intolerant to the assigned drug could cross over to the other study drug. Study coordinators would signal a central dispensary that patients were intolerant and the dispensary would change patients on placebo to another placebo (essentially no change at all) and patients on one of the xanthine oxidase inhibitors would cross over to the other xanthine oxidase inhibitor. By employing this three arm approach we will be able to assess if any affects is due to a specific xanthine oxidase inhibitor or a more general effect of lowering the uric acid. It will also allow us to get detailed data on the tolerability and safety of the drugs in CKD.
The primary end-point is a composite of doubling of serum creatinine, death or dialysis.
Secondary endpoints are achieved ambulatory blood pressures, hospitalizations, new cardiovascular events, and gout.
This study would have results applicable to the millions of people with chronic kidney disease and would open up the first novel front in the war on CKD since the wide use of RAAS inhibition.
Apparently this RCT is not a dream but a trial that is going to be done, from Swapnil Hiremath:
.1/2 @kidney_boy Joel, I thought you knew about the ongoing CKD FIX trial down under: https://t.co/DnG4BHu5vp Allopurinol 100-300 mg …
— swapnil hiremath (@hswapnil) January 29, 2014
2/2 @kidney_boy gr8 It’s in CKD patients, n 620, with change in GFR as 1 outcome.
— swapnil hiremath (@hswapnil) January 29, 2014
Looking through the registry data the CKD-FIX trial sounds like a pretty close match to my Dream RCT, my one concern is they were supposed to begin enrolling patients in March of 2012 but have yet to enroll they”re first patient (according to the registry). Anyone know if this study is still going to happen?
It is on. CKD-FIX to start enrolling next month.
. @kidney_boy confirmed : CKD – FIX recruitment set to begin in Feb 2014, starting in Brisbane
— swapnil hiremath (@hswapnil) January 31, 2014
Today, I gave grand-rounds at William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak. I gave the fructose-uric acid lecture I gave in January of 2010.
Over the last 16 months, the science has continued to move forward without any hiccups. Additionally, data supporting direct renal toxicity of fructose and uric acid has matured. This latest version of the lecture adds a section on CKD including a summary of both randomized-controlled-trials examining allopurinol to reduce the progression of chronic kidney disease.
The lecture is available in the under the lecture tab.
In my grand rounds on uric acid’s link to renal disease and hypertension I was not able to show any compelling data that allopurinol actually helped adults. There is convincing data on the use of allopurinol for the treatment of adolescent hypertension. The only adult data I could find was a VA study which used a retrospecitve electronic chart review to show that patients prescribed allopurinol had a lower risk of death. Pretty weak sauce.
Now we have more compelling data showing a reduction in the progression of CKD thanks to Goicoechea et al.
The primary objective of this study was to analyze the effect of allopurinol in patients with moderate CKD in reduction of inflammatory markers and renal disease progression.
But I couldn’t find a specific case definition of renal progression in Materials and Methods. In the results they showed significant reduction in renal disease progression by two means:
For the last 6 weeks I have been pounding the computer finishing and perfecting my lecture which I gave at Grand Rounds at both Providence Hospital and St John’s Hospital.
I delivered the second one yesterday.
Here is the lecture with an audio track. My presentations are not self-contained most of the important data comes from me presenting. I hope you like it. (.zip file of native Keynote file)
Uric Acid, Fructose and Hypertension
In the introduction of The Sugar Fix
, Johnson uses a broad brush to establish the scope and purpose of what he intends to prove in the subsequent 300 pages.
He concludes the chapter by disclosing two potential sources of bias. He is the Dr. Cade Professor of Medicine at the University of Florida and that his salary and research is supported by sales of Gatorade by the PepsiCo corporation. This is an interesting disclosure because the cola companies are the principle villains in this morality tale. I wonder if part of the reason for the release of Pepsi Throwback (sucrose rather than high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as the principle sweetener) is the pushback against HFCS partially lead by Dr. Johnson.
He also explains that he has applied for multiple patents that could financially benefit him if the relationship of uric acid and cardiovascular disease bears fruit.
About three years ago I had the privledge to attend a day long seminar on gout put together by Jerry Yee from Henry Ford Hospital. The highlight of the day was a lecture by Richard Johnson from the University of Florida. I had learned about Johnson at my fellowship as the principle discoverer of the link between hepatitis C and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (review), in my mind, among the most significant discoveries in nephrology in the last twenty years. Before seeing him I had not made the connection between Richard Johnson and the author of the deservedly popular nephrology text Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology
but it is one and the same.
At that seminar Dr. Johnson gave the greatest lecture I have ever heard. The lecture was on uric acid and its etiologic role in hypertension, obesity and diabetes.
When I heard that he was writing a book on the subject I purchased it and have been reading it on and off for the last 8 months or so. Unfortunately, the book doesn’t have nearly the punch as his 90 minute lecture. My sense is that he writes to the level of the typical purchaser of diet books and comes across more as a carnival barker than one of the most respected researchers in nephrology today.
As I get ready for my grand rounds I am going to blog about uric acid, fructose and the epidemics of diabetes, obesity and hypertension as presented by Dr. Johnson in his book: The Sugar Fix. Should be an interesting ride as the subject is blessed with lots of data, industry influence, huge health implications and a likely Nobel prize if Johnson has really discovered the cause of the bulk of essential hypertension.