More questions from the minds of the M2s at OUWB

The minds of OUWB continue to provide thoughtful questions.
My roommate and I have encountered a question regarding the content on Sodium/Water Balance and also its application to SIADH. We have been using some outside resources to supplement the learning in class, and I feel that they have been somewhat contradictory in these 2 scenarios. The following are the scenarios that I am trying to think through
1) Patient eats a high salt meal, increasing total body Na+, resulting in an increase in ADH release (via increased plasma osmolarity) and eventually reaching baseline Na+ concentration and osmolarity at a higher ECV. Now, the increase in ECV would result in a down regulation of Sympathetic NS and RAAS; however, what I am hearing is that this down regulation would just return the kidney to Na+ in = Na+ out and would not actually return the individual to the original ECV. So, my question is how does this person get back to original ECV? What I am reading is that the person will continue to operate at this higher ECV until sodium restriction takes place. However, I am wondering how decreased RAAS (decrease aldosterone – decrease Na+ reabsorption – increase sodium excretion) wouldn’t do this, and also if pressure natriuresis wouldn’t do this also? Basically, why don’t these mechanisms do the work automatically, and why do you have to sodium restrict?
You have it right. That is the currently accepted understanding of sodium metabolism. It is not quite complete, because, though some subjects increase their blood pressure with increased sodium intake, not all patients increase their blood pressure. As to why the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system does not down regulate itself sufficiently to fully correct the volume overload situation, it is not well understood. The sodium regulating systems in the body strive to match sodium absorption with sodium excretion. With an increase in sodium intake there will be a modest expansion of the extracellular compartment until the sodium excretion is upregulated to match sodium intake. We can see evidence of the increase total body sodium with an increase in body weight associated with increased sodium intake.
2) In SIADH – high levels of ADH cause increased water reabsorption but euvolemic hyponatremia. Fitting in with my previous questions in the earlier scenario, how does the patient maintain euvolemic status? If increased water reabsorption occurs and the ECV is increased, the same down regulation of Sympathetic NS and RAAS would occur. Now, the outside resources in this case state that a decreased RAAS would actually cause increased sodium excretion that would allow for increased water excretion that would maintain euvolemic status. This makes sense because then the hyponatremia that results is not only an effect of the dilution from increased water reabsorption, but also from the increased excretion of Na+. But, this goes directly against the whole logic of needing to sodium restrict in the earlier case (i.e. RAAS can’t do the work to return the individual in scenario 1 back to a normal ECV).
So again you are well versed in what is happening in SIADH. SIADH is largely euvolemic and largely is a situation where patients are in sodium balance, i.e. sodium = sodium out. However if you do meticulous metabolic balance studies you will find that patients do gain weight during SIADH. There is excess water and this does serve to expand the patient’s extracellular volume. This also will suppress the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system so that patients will get a modest increase in urine sodium excretion. But I don’t quite understand how you think this is any different than the first scenario. There is a modest increase in sodium excretion but in the presence of continued unremitting ADH activity the patient continues to deal with the modest increase in volume. So like the first scenario, the modulation of the RAAS is unable to fully restore euvolemia.
For more on SIADH and volume status see this post.

Metabolic Alkalosis, the emergency lecture

“I thought you were going to do metabolic alkalosis?”

“Me? I thought you were going to do metabolic alkalosis.”

So here is a quick lecture on metabolic alkalosis.

I believe my chapter on metabolic alkalosis in the fluids book holds up and is appropriate for second year medical students.

Chapter 14. Metabolic Alkalosis

The lecture I am going to try to give on Tuesday:

Video of the lecture:

OUWB Question about pseudohyponatremia

First catch of the year.

I have a question regarding your OUWB lectures. I’m trying to grasp why hyperglycemia causes an increase in serum tonicity and decrease in serum sodium, but hyperlipidemia causes no change in serum tonicity and a decrease in serum sodium. For hyperglycemia, I understand that the glucose contributes to the serum osmolarity and can’t passively cross the membrane so causes water to move. However, I’m confused with the situation with lipids and was wondering if you could clarify. Thank you so much!

I may have over indexed on false hyponatremia stuff. This is something you need to be familiar with but a detailed understanding of the mechanism of pseudohyponatremia.

The student had perfect knowledge of the mechanism behind hyperglycemia induced hyponatremia associated with hyperglycemia.

The lipid situation is just a lab error. The lipids fool the lab machine into thinking the sodium is low. It is not low. That is why the osmolality is normal. The osmolality detector is not fooled by the high fats (or proteins) in the blood.

You will not need to know the mechanism for the lab error. I tried to explain it but that may be a situation where I causes more confusion than provided clarity.

The unexpectedly high protein or lipid fraction results in the sample being over diluted resulting in a false report of hyponatremia. The serum sodium is normal. Only about a third of clinical labs are susceptible to this error.


All my Posts for Medical Students at OUWB

I have had the honor to teach the M2s since the medical school opened it’s doors. Here are the blog posts I have written to answer medical students questions or to post the latest materials (Handouts, Keynotes).

OUWB M2 questions and Answers

OUWB M2 questions and Answers

The Prince William Question Lets do this number

More questions from the minds of the M2s at OUWB

More questions from the minds of the M2s at OUWB

The minds of OUWB continue to provide thoughtful

Metabolic Alkalosis, the emergency lecture

Metabolic Alkalosis, the emergency lecture

“I thought you were going to do metabolic

The Hypernatremia Lecture for OUWB

Las\\t Wednesday I was unable to get through the

Introduction to Acid-Base and Metabolic Acidosis

Introduction to Acid-Base and Metabolic Acidosis

Today’s lecture, in PowerPoint, no less.

OUWB Question about pseudohyponatremia

OUWB Question about pseudohyponatremia

First catch of the year. I have a question

All my Posts for Medical Students at OUWB

I have had the honor to teach the M2s since the

The Acid Base Haggadah 

  • PDF (5 MB)
  • Pages document (8 MB)
  • iBook (10.5 MB)
  • iBook file (22.8 MB) for iAuthor
  • 27 8.5×11 pages with a cover, introduction, table of contents and answers
  • March 2010: Minor changes to delta gap
  • June 2011: Fixed error in Metabolic alkalosis (thanks Rakesh Lattupalli) and some spelling errors
  • September 2011: fixed three typos, reworked anion gap, non-anion gap, and rapid interpretation of ABG introduction
  • December 2011: fleshed out osmolar gap, smoothed the introduction to primary acid-base disorders. Typos: some removed and some added.
  • January 2012 iBook!
  • March 2012 added a picture and graph to osmolar gap. Moved the files to drobox. Added the iAuthor file for download.
  • Jan 2013 Major revision. New cover, new intro, added two additional clinical vignettes, 2-pages on DKA, 2 pages on RTA including urine anion gap.

Another question from OUWB

Hi Dr. Topf 

First of all, apologies for sending this via email but I do not have a Twitter account (I know, its the 21st century, who doesn’t?). 

I had a quick question regarding a practice problem I was doing. Rather than summarize the question for you, I included a screenshot so that you have the primary source with the explanation provided. Below, I also included my explanation for my reasoning for choosing that option. Basically, I am confused as to why the bicarb would be decreased in this scenario.

So the stem describes acute trauma. Specifically crush injuries, so you should be thinking rhabdomyolysis where the body gets turned inside out. In my very first lecture we talked about the intracellular atmosphere versus the extracellular atmosphere:

So expect increased potassium and phosphorus.
The vital signs show a patient with circulatory insufficiency, i.e. shock. There are some initial labs drawn from the blood and urine right before resuscitation is initiated. The urine shows an osmolality of 800 mmol/kg H2O (highly concentrated, indicating a lot of ADH activity) and a urine sodium of 5 mEq/L (very low, indicating increased activity of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system).
The question then asks you to predict the serum labs. Cool question. The best testing strategy here is to cross off ones that make no sense. Here are the foils:
BUN. This should be elevated as the patient moves to a pre-renal physiology. This leads to an increased filtration fraction to maintain GFR in the face of decreased renal plasma flow. This causes an increase in the osmolality in the efferent arteriole and vasa recta. this increases osmotic reabsorption of fluid from the proximal tubule. BUN flows passively with the fluid, decreasing renal urea clearance and increasing serum BUN. So D is wrong. E is wrong.
Potassium (K+) ions. All the choices show that it rises as the rhabdomyolysis from the crush injury releases loads of intracellular potassium. No answers are eliminated here.
Sodium (Na+) ions. We have a mishmash of choices here. This is difficult to predict. The increased ADH released due to shock would tend to lower the sodium. Increased aldosterone and renin would tend to increase the sodium. Since both are happening together I would expect them to balance each other out resulting in no change in sodium concentration. This is especially true since the stem specifically says there has not been much urine output I would go with D, for no change in sodium concentration. NOTE: About activation of the RAAS as a cause of hypernatremia. Hypernatremia is commonly listed as a symptom of Cushing syndrome and hyperaldosteronism so it is possible to have hypernatremia from (at least the pathological) activation of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system) but this is very unusual as increased in sodium concentration stimulates thirst which dilutes the sodium back to normal.
Hydrogen (H+) ions. All the choices show that it rises. In shock we expect an increase in hydrogen ions as patients move to anaerobic metabolism due to inadequate perfusion (the functional definition of shock). No answers are eliminated here.
Bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions. Bicarbonate is the primary buffer in the body. Increases in hydrogen ions will be buffered by bicarbonate and bicarbonate will be consumed.
So the right answer is bicarbonate will be decreased. This eliminates answer A.
This leaves us with B or C and the question hangs on what the sodium will do and the reality is the change in sodium is unknowable. Shit question. Sorry.
Here is what Kaplan claims to be true:
The forth bullet point is the one where the question fails. It is true that there is accumulation of plasma electrolytes in acute kidney injury. The problem is that these are electrolytes are measured as concentrations and there is also an accumulation of water (which is normally excreted by the kidney). This means that the effect on concentration is variable. Some, like hydrogen and potassium, reliably increase in AKI, but sodium is often decreased in AKI. Maybe the question writers were looking at an unconventional way measuring ions in the the plasma (as total amount rather than concentration).
The line in the answer that pre-renal azotemia is associated with hypernatremia is just wrong. You will encounter numerous patients with pre-renal disease that will have simultaneous hyponatremia. It is impossible to predict the serum sodium concentration from the volume status. This question reinforces the worst instincts of med students when it comes to predicting serum sodium. As I emphasized in the lecture, volume regulation and osmoregulation have two different regulatory systems and, though there is some cross talk, they are largely independent from each other.
The last paragraph tries to make the case that hyponatremia is more common in ATN while hypernatremia predominates in pre-azotemia. This is total fiction and does not exist. Though there can be more urinary sodium in ATN, if the patient is oliguric, it doesn’t matter how high the urine sodium concentration is, if the urine volume volume is close to zero there will not be much urinary sodium excretion.
Distinguishing between pre-renal azotemia and ATN is a constant problem in nephrology. Trust me you can’t make the determination by looking at the serum sodium. It aint that easy.
This question writer should never write another question about sodium.

 I posted this to twitter. The subsequent discussion was pretty interesting:

Kaplan Blows it on Hypernatremia and AKI

OUWB Starling forces question

I was hoping I could ask you a few questions. I’m finding there is a lottttt of contradictory information.

  1. According to starling forces, decreased plasma oncotic pressure should increase GFR, but according to nephrotic syndrome, decreased albumin will cause edema and overall decrease GFR. Which one should I believe? 
  2. In general, it’s said that AT2 at low levels dilates the afferent arteriole to increase GFR, but at high level it constricts both efferent and afferent to decrease GFR. However, the SNS, which stimulates renin, constricts all arterioles in the body as well as activates the RAAS system. How does that work? Is the SNS more immediate until the aldosterone system is ready to say okay go ahead and dilate the afferent I’m ready to take up the water anyway? 
  3. This is a very basic question but sometimes I have moments of self doubt and this is one of them: So we always say edema is fluid buildup in ISF due to increased hydrostatic or decreased oncotic pressure (like nephritic syndrome hypoalbumineia) right? So why does fluid build up in ISF as opposed to go inside the cell where I guess technically there is more stuff to pull it in? 
  4. How does K suppress ammonia genesis? 

Thank you very much!

Let’s take these one by one,

Nephrotic syndrome and GFR. Don’t connect those neurons. Proteinuria does not cause an immediate and hemodynamic change in GFR that is clinically meaningful. Yes, you are right that lower oncotic pressure should increase GFR, but those increases in GFR will be trimmed by tubuloglomerular feedback so that in the end there is not a meaningful change in GFR. Likewise the nephrotic syndrome will cause fluid to leak from the blood vessels decreasing effective circulating volume lowering renal plasma flow. However, once again these changes in volume are small enough that the kidney easily compensates with changes in AT2, PGE, filtration fraction, etc so that GFR remains stable.

Over a long time, proteinuria causes chronic kidney disease and decreases renal function, but not by the mechanisms you described.

Of note the model you are talking about with nephrotic syndrome causing fluid to leave the blood vessels and that resulting in decreased perfusion of the kidney is a model called underfill hypothesis of edema in nephrotic syndrome. Most nephrologists now ascribe by the overfill hypothesis which states that the primary abnormality is not loss of fluid from the capillaries from the decreased albumin, but increased sodium absorption by the diseased kidney. This results in volume overload and that causes the edema.
As I understand it, angiotensin is only a vasoconstrictor. The proximal tubule is dilated by prostaglandin E. In volume depletion there is release of renin which activates angiotensin 2 (with help of angiotensin converting enzyme). Angiotensin 2 vasoconstricts both the afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole. But since the afferent arteriole is so much bigger to begin with, after the angiotensin 2 induced vasoconstriction the resistance in the afferent arteriole is less than the resistance in the efferent arteriole, this serves to increase the intraglomerular pressure, forcing more plasma through the glomerular slit membranes and increasing the filtration fraction and maintaining GFR in the face of volume depletion.
And yes the SNS is more immediate and the renin angiotensin aldosterone system is a bit slower.
Where fluid builds up depends on what is being altered. In nephrotic syndrome, the (underfill) theory states (I’m an overfill believer) that decreased plasma albumin lowers the oncotic pressure drawing fluid from the interstium back into the capillaries at the venous end. This means more of the fluid remains in the interstium leading to edema. The oncotic agent of note here is albumin which determines the flux of fluid between the interstitial and plasma compartment.
In order to shift fluid between the intracellular and extracellular compartments you would need to change sodium and potassium which are the chief osmotically active particles of interest between those two compartments.
Hyperkalemia causes potassium to shift into the cells. To maintain electroneutrality hydrogen leaves the cell. One cation in, one cation out. The loss of hydrogen ions makes the cell alkalotic. This rise in pH tricks the proximal tubule cell into believing the entire body is suffering from metabolic alkalosis and since ammonia generation is used to increase hydrogen excretion, and correct metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis shuts down ammonia generation.