“I drank anti-freeze.“

Here are the tweets (I’m using WordPress’ ability to post a tweetstream, pretty cool)
We need to know if it is alkalosis or acidosis, so we ordered an ABG.
Thought I’d try my hand at a @HannahRAbrams style explanatory animation for the above ABG. Need to get it down under 2:20 to fit in a tweet.
And the last bit
Originally tweeted by Joel M. Topf, MD FACP (@kidney_boy) on October 7, 2020.
I made the video with Keynote, it is a single slide with a lot of animation. Here is the slide (all 750 kilobytes):
Creating the animation just takes patience. This slide has 44 steps to the animation. It is a mixture of build ins, actions, and build outs.
Once I had the animation perfect I used “Record Slideshow…” to record the animations and my narration, then exported the movie using “Export To Movie…”
How small can you make a tweetorial? This one is only 5 tweets.
A lot of patients are on metformin and a lot of people get lactic acidosis. One does not always cause the other.
But in this case I think the metformin did cause the lactic acidosis. The patient did not have sepsis. There wasn’t any dead bowel, shock, or other typical cause of lactic acidosis. And thanks for asking, the thiamine was normal, they were not being poisoned with arsenic. No aspirin toxicity. No malignancy causing an occult type B lactic acidosis.
They had acute tubular necrosis causing acute kidney injury.
The lactate was sky high
Perfusion was intact. Blood pressures were in the 160s.
And they were taking a coupe grams of metformin a day. The thing about a creatinine of 8 is you need to have a GFR of around zero for almost week to get there. So imagine the patient has about 14 grams of metformin on board.
I think this was MALA.
I think this patient should have gotten hemodialysis.
I posted this tweetorial to Twitter last month and I want to bookmark it here.
Today’s lecture, in PowerPoint, no less.
Hi Dr. Topf,
(I don’t have Twitter) I wanted to ask you about question 6 on the week 2 quiz:
“An unresponsive woman is brought to the emergency room. She has a history of a suicide attempt a few years earlier. The lab tests are: Serum Na 140 mmol/L Serum K 4.0 mmol/L Serum Cl 100 mmol/L Serum HCO3 14 mmol/L, BUN 17 mg/dl, creatinine 0.7 mg/dL, serum osmolality 323 mOsm/Kg, Blood glucose 72 mg/dl, Blood gases: pH 7.28 pCO2 27 mmHg. What would you expect the urine pH to be in this patient?”
Why is it that we would expect the urine pH to be acidic? Since blood pH is 7.28, I would imagine that urinating out HCO3- (explaining the low serum HCO3) would have caused the acidic blood pH, thus making urine pH basic?
Thanks for your help,
“An unresponsive woman is brought to the emergency room. She has a history of a suicide attempt a few years earlier.
This is the “tell” of the stem. Acid base + suicide = ethylene glycol toxicity
The lab tests are: Serum Na 140 mmol/L Serum K 4.0 mmol/L Serum Cl 100 mmol/L Serum HCO3 14 mmol/L, BUN 17 mg/dl, creatinine 0.7 mg/dL , Blood glucose 72 mg/dl,
They don’t tell you the anion gap. Calculate it.
High anion gap.
serum osmolality 323 mOsm/Kg
More of the tell. They won’t tell you the osmolality unless they want you to calculate the osmolar gap (or it is a hyponatremia question)
Osmolar gap = 323 – 290
Osmolar gap is a massive 33 (Upper limit of normal is 10, over 20 starts to gain a lot specificity for toxic alcohol)
This confirms our earlier suspicions of ethylene glycol toxicity
Blood gases: pH 7.28 pCO2 27 mmHg. What would you expect the urine pH to be in this patient?”
The ABG confirms the metabolic acidosis.
Let’s do Winters formula (not really needed for this question, but you know…practice)
1.5 x 14 =21 + 8 =29, measured CO2 is within ±2 of predicted so an appropriately compensated metabolic acidosis.
Why is it that we would expect the urine pH to be acidic? Since blood pH is 7.28, I would imagine that urinating out HCO3- (explaining the low serum HCO3) would have caused the acidic blood pH, thus making urine pH basic?
So the bicarbonaturia you are talking about would happen if the cause of the metabolic acidosis is renal loss of bicarbonate (what we call renal tubular acidosis).
The urine would also be acidic if the patient had a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis from diarrhea.
Hope this helps
Osmolar gap = 292 – 286 = 6
This is a normal osmolar gap. Poor foreshadowing by the question writer.
Bicarbonate before the anion gap = Bicarbonate + (Anion gap -12)
Bicarbonate before the anion gap = 8 + (16 –12)
Bicarbonate before the anion gap = 12
So the bicarbonate before the anion gap was 12 indicating a large non-anion gap metabolic acidosis and a relatively mild anion gap metabolic acidosis.
The patient doesn’t seem to be suffering from chlorine gas intoxication or have an isotonic saline drip running so number one is not likely.
The low potassium could indicate GI losses as well as type 1 or 2 RTA. The urine anion gap in the face of severe metabolic acidosis will help here. In GI losses and chloride intoxication the urine amnion gap will be negative, in RTA it should be positive.
Urine anion gap = (Na + K) – Cl
Urine anion gap = (56 + 32) – 78
The positive anion gap indicates a lack of NH4+ in the urine. In diarrhea, the kidney will up ammonium excretion to get rid of the acid load. The increase cation load in the urine will be balanced by an increased in chloride in the urine. The increase Cl– will make the urine anion gap negative (in reality it is an unmeasured cation, or a positive cation gap, but by convention we use an anion gap). The positive urinary anion gap is the face of a severe acid load indicates a renal tubular acidosis.