#KidneyCON Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Workshop

David Goldfarb (@weddellite) and I put on a fluid, electrolyte and acid-base variety show at KidneyCON. The itinerary:

  1. IV fluid taste test
  2. Hypernatremia
  3. Management of calcium phosphate stones: to K-Citrate or not?
  4. Management of chronic hyponatremia, use of DDAVP
  5. Aspirin toxicity
  6. Hyperkalemia

Both of us had a bunch of additional cases that we didn’t get to so be sure to go deep into the presentation files.

Here are the presentation files:



I love the smell of July 1st in the morning

As has been the tradition since 2008, I had the honor of giving the morning report on July 1st for the St John Hospital and Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program. July one, openning day of the academic year. The conference room was crackling with the energy of fresh interns and the equally excited second years ready to run their own teams.

Giving the lecture was a lot of fun. There were a lot of insightful questions, some because the questioner is terrified and others to show how smart she is. Nobody looked sleep deprived, so the ratio of deer-in-the-headlights to asleep-at-their-desk was unnaturally high.

The lecture covered three topics:

  1. total body water and how to choose an IV fluid
  2. diuretics
  3. dysnatremia
There is no way I could get through the deck in the 50 minutes of time we had. It probably would take 90 minutes to cover it all. In delivering the talk I focused on the mood of starting this great adventure.
Here are some tips to using this presentation:
The first slide has Munch’s Skrik, which I explain translates as July 1st

Slide 4 has my favorite quote about kidney function. Homer Smith essentially uses 150 words to explain the point that the job of the kidneys is not to make urine anymore than the job of a factory is to make smoke.

The lungs serve to maintain the composition of the extra-cellular fluid with respect to oxygen and carbon dioxide, and with this their duty ends. The responsibility for maintaining the composition of this fluid in respect to other constituents devolves on the kidneys. It is no exaggeration to say that the composition of the body fluids is determined not by what the mouth takes in but what the kidneys keep: they are the master chemists of our internal environment. Which, so to speak, they manufacture in reverse by working it over some fifteen times a day. When among other duties, they excrete the ashes of our body fires, or remove from the blood the infinite variety of foreign substances that are constantly being absorbed from our indiscriminate gastrointestinal tracts, these excretory operations are incidental to the major task of keeping our internal environments in the ideal, balanced state.  

Slides 5-9 emphasize that this topic is not a niche topic, the issues of fluids and electrolytes comes up everyday, on every patient.

Slide 11, warn everyone that the unfortunate person who gains 30 kg in this slide is a medicine resident gorging on donuts at morning report.

Slide 18, remind everyone that LR is for surgeons. Deny any knowledge of the reason for this peculiarity. Explain that this is further evidence that they are an alien species unrelated to hard working, honest IM docs.

Slide 27 Explain that the question, “Would you give a drowning man a glass of water?” was taught to me by one of the most foul-mouthed senior residents when I was an intern. I want to show that the lessons learned this year will be the stories you tell interns decades later. Interns will learn more this year than any other year of their life, except their first year of life.

Slide 29 recommend everyone read House of God

Here is the lecture in PDF and Powerpoint

Teaching Medical Students

Last Friday I started teaching third year medical students. This is the first time I have taught medical students (in isolation, there are always medical students at my lectures for the residents) since 2003, when I ran a teaching section for renal physiology for first year medical students at Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago with John Asplin.

I am now teaching the medical students two lectures every rotation, the first on sodium and the second on potassium and calcium. I hope to expand this to ABGs and another electrolyte lecture so I can isolate potassium and spend an entire hour on it.

I modified my Don’t Panic handout for the students. During the lecture I realized that the SIADH section was weak and too complex for the students. I will probably change it to focus on the fact that ADH reduces water excretion and that this can be adaptive (early CHF, volume depletion, hyperosmolar) or maladaptive (SIADH). I will change the section on the dilution of urine to a background box as I think it is important but only interesting to nephrologists and similar wierdos.

I will add a focus on a few clinical scenarios with increased ADH.

I still need to expand the hypernatremia section.

iPhone version

Sodium and Potassium for ER residents

Yesterday I lectured the St John ER residency program. The ER residency has an impressive commitment to education. They set aside a half day every wednesday for their resident to get dedicated didactic time. They have great attendance with a good number of attendings showing up.

I have been asked to give three lectures and yesterday was the first. I gave a double lecture (running time about 90 minutes) on sodium and potassium. The fact that I could run over the standard 50 minute alotment normally given for medicial education is due to the fact that they have blocked an entire afternoon rather than try to shoehorn a lecture into lunch or before rounds.

The sodium lecture was the first time I used the Sodium handout I created for the St John IM residents. I gave the lectuer Seder-Style with the residents reading different sections, answering questions and me adding commentary. The ER residents are smart and empowered to ask questions. I felt that there was great two-way interactivity.

Dont Panic Sodium

Sodium iPhone format
Sodium booklet format

The potassium lectuer is an abrdged potassium lecture which is stripped to the bare bones of differential and treatment. It is a traditional powerpoint lecture. Immediately when I started this lectuer I saw about half a dozen exhausted interns fall asleep. My next project is to create a potassium haggadah.

Potassium powerpoint

The Acid-Base lecture for the residents of St John Hospital

Today I gave my second lecture of the year for the St John Residency.

I used my Acid-Base workshop handout and added a slide show to facilitate the large group.

I still called on individual residents to answer questions to keep them involved.

I started the lecture with some audience participation. My previous lecture on IV Fluids, diuretics and dysnatremias began with me stating how ubiquitous these subjects were.

I had everyone stand then I asked people to sit down if, in the last three weeks they had not:

  • Used any diuretics: no one sat down
  • Used any IV diuretics: about half a dozen people sat down
  • Used a thiazide diuretic to counter the effect of loop diuretic resistance: lost a lot of people there but still had about a dozen left
  • Used a lasix drip to counter loop diuretic resistance from heart failure: everybody sat down but about 3 residents and the amazing Dr. Dhungel, my first year fellow on the consult service.
  • Used torsemide instead of furosemide for better pharmacokinetics: only Dr Dhungel remained standing.

I then tried to repeat the excercise for IV fluids and dysnatremias but it didn’t work very well. Should have quit after the first one.

When I gave that IV Fluids, diuretics and dysnatremias lecture I didn’t have a hand out. In the last three weeks I have worked up a handout:

iPhone version
Booklet form

July first lecture on IVF, Diuretics and dysnatremia

Today I gave the first lecture of the ’08-’09 Academic Year. This was morning report for internal medicine. I did a lecture on IVF, diuretics, total body water and dysnatremia. It was a good lecture but Powerpoint only. I am about half-way done with the killer handout I am working on and am disapointed that I didn’t finish it. Hopefully will have it done for the next lecture in two weeks.

Fluids And Electrolytes July1

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: diuretics sodium)