Monday was the highest traffic day on this site. Ever.

My post on Everything I learned in fellowship is wrong was featured on the home page of renalWEB.

It feels weird that my post was listed at the top under “News Headlines.” The ATN article came out in July and I just got around to writing about it six months later. I wrote it so that when I discuss the findings on rounds, I have a way to quickly find an abstract of the study with my personal observations. And I will discuss it with the fellows because even though the study was a negative study it is a benchmark study in nephrology. The article is a negative study but it is negative in the way that HEMO was negative, not the way that DCOR was.

  • HEMO is usually listed as a disappointing study because we were not able to help patients by ratcheting up their dose of dialysis from 1.16 to 1.53 (eKt/V).
    But as Glen Chertow argued persuasively, the HEMO trial was a triumph of evidence based medicine. We were able to definitively argue against the desire to incrementally enhance three-times a week day-time dialysis. The increasing evidence for daily and in-center nocturnal dialysis are by-products of the failure of HEMO. If HEMO had been a positive trial we would probably be focusing on a HEMO II with a targetted eKt/V of 1.8. The negative result has sparked innovation and a search for novel ideas.
  • DCOR on the other hand has almost nothing definitive to show despite being “the largest outcomes study ever done in the hemodialysis population.” The failure of DCOR can be attributed to a low event rate, a high but undefined cross-over rate and a 50% drop-out rate. All of these conspired to produce an under-powered study and clinicians are left in a sea of phosphorous binder marketing without near term hope for better guidance.

So the negative finding of the ATN group advances the science of nephrology, removes an important question and will allow us to move on to new strategies to help patients with acute kidney injury.

A final note to the editor of RenalWEB, my bullet on the dose of dialysis referred to the HEMO trial, which did not look at frequency of dialysis or radical increases in dose. The jury is still out on those techniques but I’m with you. Those two strategies seem right and beneficial.

Hey my diabetic nephropathy lecture is in the spotlight

This morning I woke to find this in my in-box:

Hi nephron!

Your presentation Diabetic Nephropathy is currently being showcased on the ‘Health & Medicine’ page by our editorial team.

It’s likely to be there for the next 16-20 hours…


– the SlideShare team

And here it is:

Here is the actual lecture. I would recommend going to the SlideShare website and downloading the lecture as it looks a lot better in PowerPoint than in the online presentation. You will need to establish a SlideShare account to download the presentation.

2008 the year in Review

My list (with help from my partners and fellows) of the Top Nephrology Stories of 2008

  1. Melamine!
  2. Heparin!
  3. ATN trial shows no benefit to high dose dialysis in acute kidney injury
  4. FDA finally validates concerns of oral sodium phosphorous solutions for colonoscopy prep
  5. FGF-23
  6. Concerns with the COOPERATE trial
  8. Home blood pressure monitoring
  9. Reduction of proteinuria with aliskren
  10. No CERA for USA

Top unique keywords that lead people to this blog:

  1. PBFluids
  2. iPhone Medical Apps
  3. Lecture Seder Style
  4. Nephsap
  5. Melamine Milk Poisoning
  6. Dysnatremia
  7. Acid-Base Lecture
  8. IV Fluids Lecture
  9. KDIGO
  10. PICARD Study

Top blog entries by traffic

  1. iPhone medical applications
  2. Melamine milk poisoning and kidney stones
  3. Acid-base lecture for ER-residents
  4. Getting ready for fluids and electrolyte lecture
  5. Bumex same short pharmacokinetics of lasix with better bioavailability
  6. Bevacizumab and acute renal failure
  7. Melamine milk poisoning continues to make headlines
  8. Acid-base lecture for residents of St John
  9. Teaching on two-Ell: acute renal failure and GFR
  10. Teaching on two-Ell: anemia and ckd