Patient information: Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy

Are MRIs safe for patients with kidney disease?

Sometimes. In 2000 a new skin disease was discovered that caused patients to develop thick skin around their joints, especially the knees. The thickened skin prevented people from bending their legs so they can’t walk. The disease was initially only found in patients on dialysis.The condition was named nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy or NFD for short.

For a long time doctor’s had no idea what caused NFD. Then in 2006 some doctors in Europe noticed that only patients who received gadolinium during an MRI developed NFD. Other physicians verified this association and now it is generally accepted, though not proven, that gadolinium is at least part of the cause of NFD.

Gadolinium is used as contrast for patients receiving an MRI when doctors want a better view of the blood vessels. It is always used in a related imaging technique called an MRA. The FDA has identified people at risk of developing NFD. The list includes people with:
1. Acute renal failure
2. CKD stages 4 or 5
3. Cirrhosis induced kidney disease (called hepatorenal sndrome)
4. End-stage renal disease on dialysis

There is no proven strategy to prevent NFD except to avoid exposure to this agent. New contrast agents are being developed that do not have gadolinium. If your medical condition absolutely requires a gadolinium MRi then your doctor may schedule special dialysis sessions to remove the toxin right after MRI.

If you are on dialysis or have any of the other risk factors you should make sure your doctor knows about NFD and you should coordinate the MRI with your nephrologist.

There is no risk of NFD if you do not receive contrast with your MRI.

Patient information: Contrast nephropathy

I am writing some patient information articles to go on our SCSP’s website,

I am including them here as I fine tune them. I have been in contact with Dr. Shah, a nephrologist who has produced some gorgeous patient information booklets that we will be posting online also.

I have heard that getting a dye for a cardiac catheterization or CAT scan can damage my kidneys. Is that true?

Yes. X-ray dye is usually made with iodine and is sometimes called iodinated contrast. The dye allows doctors to see the blood vessels and used when using x-rays to diagnose a number of medical problems. The dye that can damage the kidneys is always given intravenously. Another type of dye is given as a oral liquid. This oral contrast is not harmful to the kidneys.

If you have healthy kidneys the IV dye is almost never harmful; however if you have weak kidneys (chronic kidney disease stage 3, 4 or 5) and especially if you also have diabetes or are also over the age of 65 you are at risk of kidney damage from the contrast.

The kidney damage is called radiocontrast nephropathy. The damage is usually temporary (7-10 days) but sometimes it can cause permanent renal failure requiring dialysis.

There are ways to reduce the risk of developing radiocontrast nephropathy, though even in expert haqnds the risk cannot be eliminated. Protective strategies include:
1. Stopping diuretics
2. Hydrating the patient with saline solution
3. Taking an anti-oxidant called N-acetyl cysteine
4. Reducing the dose of contrast
5. Using a contrast agent with less toxicity

It is important, that if you are at risk of radiocontrast nephropathy and are going to get IV contrast that you notify your nephrologist beforehand so she can coordinate the protective strategy to spare your kidneys.

Giving patients good news

I was rounding at one of the rehab/sub-acute hospitals today. One of the patients was a 70 y.o. African American man who had undergone a kidney transplant 12 days ago. He had delayed graft function and so he had continued right along with his normal dialysis schedule. He had been on dialysis for 3 years.

Over the week-end, his kidney opened up (recovered renal function in his transplant kidney) and so we held his dialysis on Sunday (patients on the TTS schedule received the Saturday dialysis on Sunday due to a Thanksgiving schedule shift). Today his creatinine fell further and I told him he was done with dialysis.

He immediately began to cry and convulse. I wasn’t sure if these were tears of joy or a seizure. After a few minutes he was able to speak again and told me how happy and grateful he was to be off dialysis.

It was one of those moments the makes being a doctor special.

The fall of cholesterol

The cholesterol theory of heart disease has been getting knocked around a bit these days.

Just writing that sentence feels rebelous. To call cholesterol’s causative link with heart disease a theory seems blasphemous. I started thinking about this when I looked over some summaries of the Jupiter data.

The results of the JUPITER trial indicate that rosuvastatin is associated with a significant reduction in major cardiovascular events, including death, in apparently healthy persons with LDL cholesterol less than 130. The reduction in risk was roughly twice as high as one would predict from the reduction in the LDL:

Moreover, the results were quite different from those of trials that recruited on the basis of elevated LDL.

Those trials “generally reported a 20% reduction in vascular risk for each 1 mmol/L (38.7 mg/dL) absolute reduction in the LDL cholesterol level, an effect that would have predicted a proportional reduction in the number of events in our study of approximately 25%,” the investigators wrote.

“However, the reduction in the hazard seen in our trial, in which enrollment was based on elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels rather than on elevated LDL cholesterol levels, was almost twice this magnitude and revealed a greater relative benefit than that found in most previous statin trials,” they added.

This mismatch with reduction in LDL and reduction is risk is similar to the findings of with ezetimibe which showed no reduciton in the progression of atherosclerosis despite dramatic reductions in cholesterol.

Add to that the increase rather than reduction in first major cardiovascular events associated with torcetrapib which successfully increased HDL and reduced LDL. Another nail in the coffin also comes with torcetrapib which despite increasing HDL and reducing LDL failed to reduce atheroma volume.

It seems that large swaths of the cholesterol theory need to be revised and updated to account for this new data. While we wait for this new hypothesis it is important to reevaluate all of the conclusions and health recommendations we make based on intermediate end-points rather than on clinical outcomes. The primary health recommendations that I have in my sites are dietary. Low fat diets have repeatedly failed studies on endpoints and are propagated on their ability to improve the lipid profiles. Well, both ezetimibe and torcetrapib improve the lipid profiles and do little else of benefit to patients.

From a 2002 JAMA review:

In the Minnesota Coronary Survey,51 cardiovascular events were not significantly reduced by a high-polyunsaturated-fat diet despite a decrease in serum cholesterol, but the mean duration of dietary intervention was only about 1 year. Two secondary prevention trials testing the approach of total fat reduction did not find a significant reduction in serum cholesterol or CHD events.5253

A more recent reveiw from Circulation comes to a similar conclusion. It reminds me of a NYT magazine article about the Atkins diet. This wonderful article has a section that looks at the lack of correlation between Heart Healthy diets and actually reducing cardiac events.

It began in January 1977, when a Senate committee led by George McGovern published its ”Dietary Goals for the United States,” advising that Americans significantly curb their fat intake to abate an epidemic of ”killer diseases” supposedly sweeping the country. It peaked in late 1984, when the National Institutes of Health officially recommended that all Americans over the age of 2 eat less fat. By that time, fat had become ”this greasy killer” in the memorable words of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and the model American breakfast of eggs and bacon was well on its way to becoming a bowl of Special K with low-fat milk, a glass of orange juice and toast, hold the butter — a dubious feast of refined carbohydrates.

In the intervening years, the N.I.H. spent several hundred million dollars trying to demonstrate a connection between eating fat and getting heart disease and, despite what we might think, it failed. Five major studies revealed no such link. A sixth, however, costing well over $100 million alone, concluded that reducing cholesterol by drug therapy could prevent heart disease. The N.I.H. administrators then made a leap of faith. Basil Rifkind, who oversaw the relevant trials for the N.I.H., described their logic this way: they had failed to demonstrate at great expense that eating less fat had any health benefits. But if a cholesterol-lowering drug could prevent heart attacks, then a low-fat, cholesterol-lowering diet should do the same. ”It’s an imperfect world,” Rifkind told me. ”The data that would be definitive is ungettable, so you do your best with what is available.”

ACTH for membranous nephropathy

Once you go beyond the modified Ponticelli, the treatment of idiopathic membranous feels like hunting in the woods. I have a woman in her late thirties who I have been treating for almost three years. She has between 6 and 10 grams of proteinuria, no renal failure (Cr or 0.8 and stable) no hypertension, and a middling albumin with terrible lipids. She doesn’t get much edema and is able to limit her use of loop diuretics to very occasionally.

We started with conservative therapy for 6 months to see where the proteinuria is going. After that we decided to give treatment a try because of the heavy proteinuria. She also had high levels of urinary IgG and urine beta-microglobulin.

She was reluctant to use cyclophosphamide because of concerns about future fertility. And I’m reluctant to use it in a young patient especially for a disease which is causing her minimal problems right now.

We started with MMF. Little effect.

We then gave a trial of CSA. Little effect.

We gave a trial of Pentoxifylline (Trental). little effect

What now? Tacro? Rituximab?

Anyone have any experience with ACTH?

I must say I have been seduced by the preliminary data (case series, rct) on ACTH. To me it looks more compelling than the alternatives (rituximab and tacro). The fact you have to go to a specialty pharmacy to get the stuff is a little intimidating.

Link to a description of membranous nephropathy from a lecture I give on Hep B, C and HIV associated renal pathology.

Renal Vitamins

Just saw this post on the Renal Fellow’s Network. I appreciate his flippant attitude toward renal vitamins as they are so routine as to invite disregard but they may have an effect on mortality.

This 2004 article based on the DOPPS database shows a significant reduction in mortality (RR 0.84) associated with use of water soluble vitamins.

I always have a healthy skepticism for DOPPS data as they have been on the wrong side of the anemia, Kt/V and statin debate. Each time being refuted by the RCT. But I’ll take the position that since no one will ever do a randomized controlled trial we should go forward with the renal vitamins.

I first heard about this data on renal vitamins during the at the Easterling Lecture given by Eric Young for the Michigan NKF in 2003. At the time this was explained by the reduction of homocysteine induced by the folate in the vitamin. Since that has also fallen to the blade of the RCT, I wonder what componant of the renal vitamin explains the benefit.

CKD in the NYT

Kidney Disease a Takes a Growing Toll

Nice article on the increasing prevelance of chronic kidney disease. They even mention the controversy of geriatric CKD, one of my newest interests.

The article mentions the NKF of Michigan’s project to raise awareness of CKD by using hair dressers. I am the newest member of the NKF of Michigan’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Also the article has a quote by Steven Fadem, a nephrologist I shared a limo with last week at the EVOLVE Primary Investigator’s Meeting. Crazy small world.

MBD and Clinical Practice

Glen Chertow on MBD and clinical practice.

Starts with the high mortality of CVD in ESRD slide shown at every gatheriong of nephrologists.

MBD as a non-traditional risk factor for CVD

HEMO, 4D, Wrone on homocysteine, D-COR all RCT, All negative. [should add correction of anemia study]

45% drop out in D-COR lead to a loss of power and contributed to negative trial.

Cinacalcet approved based on its ability to get the PTH down and get patient to guidelines but we are missing the information on whether this helps patients.

Power is the probablity of detecting the treatment affect if it really exists. 90% power means that 9 out of 10 times you will detect a treatment effect if it exists.

With 3883 patients EVOLVE had 88% power to detect 20% reduction in cardiovascular disease. If the benefit is 15%, which would phenomenally important to our patients, we may not be able to detect it.