Business week: Paging Dr. iPhone
PC Mag: Meet Nurse iPhone
Good website on the iPhone in medicine: MedMacs
musings of a salt whisperer
Business week: Paging Dr. iPhone
PC Mag: Meet Nurse iPhone
Good website on the iPhone in medicine: MedMacs
If you are designing a randomized study, make sure you actualize randomize your patients. Schiffl messed this up in his study of daily versus three days a week dialysis, for acute renal failure. Schiffl achieved randomization by alternating eligible patients to three days a week versus daily dialysis. One key aspect about randomization, especially in non-blinded studies, is that the investigators cannot know what arm of the study the patient will be in prior to enrolling the patient. With alternating patients every investigator knows which arm the next patient will end-up in and they can make subtle decisions on the appropriateness of the patient or in how they present the consent form to influence the composition of the study arms.
This comes up, because my fellow sent me a paper on prophylactic dialysis prior to CABG (PDF). From the paper comes this gem:
Repeat after me, “If you know what arm the patient will be in prior to enrolling the patient, you are not running a randomized trial.”
I am going to the NKF meeting and will arrive Wednesday night. If anybody is interested in grabbing a drink, caffeinated or alcoholic, drop me an e-mail or hit me on my iPhone: 248.470.8163.
I have fully committed to this blogging thing and actually dropped the $10 on my own domain name. I am now live at
My fellow remembers the urinary anion gap by saying:
So a negative urinary anion gap is due to gut losses as opposed to an RTA.
We had a patient earlier this month who presented with a creatinine that was 20 mg/dL on admission and rose to 22 on the repeat. That is the highest creatinine I have ever seen in a patient with acute kidney injury. I have a seen two patients with advanced CKD with creatinines in the mid to high thirties. (34 and 37 mg/dL).
Agarwal continues his streak of important studies on blood pressure in dialysis patients. This study shows that reducing the dry weight results in reductions in ambulatory blood pressures done between dialysis sessions. Agarwal had previously demonstrated that in-center blood pressure readings poorly correlated with ambulatory blood pressure. One of the key findings was that the systolic fell twice as much as the dialtolic blood pressure. This means they did not only reduce the blood pressure but they also reduced the pulse pressure, something which we really are unable to do with antihypertensive drug therapy (which reduces both the systolic and diastolic blod pressure and have little affect on the pulse pressure).
I co-wrote a fluid and electrolyte book while in residency. During the final push to finish the book we enlisted some friends to help with proof reading and editing in a week-long proof-reading orgy. Joel Smith, a wayward cellular molecular biologist who ended up a lawyer asked, “Is there something special about the mnemonic for anion-gap metabolic acidosis, MUDSLEEPS? Is the word important? Or just the letters?”
I explained that it was a standard mnemonic along with its cousin MULEPILES. He said that’s stupid and that we should make-up our own mnemonic. Five minutes later he came up with PLUMSEEDS, an exact anagram of mudsleeps, and we used that in the book. I thought it would be a marker of who used our book to learn acid-base, if they used plumseeds they were our’s otherwise, not so much.
9 years have passed and I have yet to hear anyone use PLUMSEEDS.
This past September, my partner Susan Steigerwalt, put a letter on my desk she photocopied (she’s old school) from Lancet. The letter described a new mnemonic for the differential of anion-gap metabolic acidosis: GOLDMARK. This reworked mnemonic had more going for it than an ego test, it was a complete reworking of the old and busted mnemonic for new hotness.
I blogged about GOLDMARK a few months ago and received an e-mail from the lead author. I have since e-mailed all three authors. Here’s their story.
In May of 2008, Josh Emmett a second-year medical student at University of Texas Southwestern was having dinner with his dad Dr. Michael Emmett, Chief of Nephrology at Baylor University in Dallas. Dr. Emmett was telling Josh that he and a fellow were frustrated with MUDSLEEPS/MULEPILES/KUSMALE because of its obvious shortcomings: paraldehyde? No one uses that. DKA, Starvation and Ethanol, all of those cause ketoacidosis. Isoniazid/iron as causes of lactic acidosis? The next time I see that will be the first time I see that. Plus no D-lactic acid, no oxoproline, an issue that must have particularly rankled Dr. Emmett as he was an author on the definitive article on the subject.
Josh, looking for a distraction from his studies volunteered to help craft a new mnemonic. Dr. Emmett and a third-year IM resident, Ankit Mehta (who has subsequentky become a nephrology fellow with Dr. Emmett), came up with the letters they would use and the synonyms for different diseases:
Uremia could be U, R or K (Renal, Kidney)
Ethylene glycol could be A, E or G (Antifreeze, Glycol)
Oxoproline could be O or P (Pyroglutamic acid)
Aspirin could A or S (Salicylate)
Ketoacidosis could be K or D (Diabetes, though that is not nearly as good as ketoacidosis because there are other causes of ketosis besides DKA)
With that list in hand Josh hit the internets and plugged the letters into some mnemonic generating websites and came up with:
After a few days of vetting the possibilities they settled on GOLDMARK.
GOLDMARK has become my standard AGMA mnemonic. Bye bye PLUMSEEDS.
Hi Dr.Topf,
I was cleaning my desk over the weekend and found some papers on which i was scratching some other mnemonics for agma:
- SMOK(ing) ALE
As you see none of them are as good as GOLD MARK. Also, some are a stretch of imagination!
hope this helps,
I weep that I won’t ever get to pimp medical students on the meaning of SMOKing ALE
Last week I saw a 58 year old African American woman who was referred to me for an eGFR (i.e. MDRD equation) of 58. Her insurance company notified her primary care doctor about this decreased GFR. I saw the letter that Blue Cross sent and it did not give the physician any guidance on what to do with this information. The insurance company just wanted to make sure the physician was aware that the patient was flagged as having CKD. The primary care doctor sent her to me for further evaluation.
The patient, however, was completely freaked out. She went on the internet and started to learn about kidney disease and to her horror found (correctly) that her lisinopril and simvastatin could cause kidney disease. Since both of these medications had been started in the last few years she suspected (wrongly) that they were the cause of her kidney disease and stoppd both of them.
Her GFRs for three years before referral had been: 65, 63, 65 and 58. When I repeated her GFR it was 62.
This is a classic case of what Dr. Harold Feldman was writing about in the Feburary CJASN (PDF). Here is a patient who stopped the two most important drugs for her future health (statin, ACEi) because of a false positive eGFR.
This article uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo method to simulate use of serum Cr or serum Cr plus eGFR for CKD screening. The model they used is illustrated below:
In the model patients gets screened once a year (a cycle) from age 60 to 78. There are 6 states patients must be assigned to:
In each cycle every patient must be assigned to a state. Dead patients must remain dead, ESRD patients can remain ESRD or die. Patients must develop CKD (state 3 or 4) at least one cycle prior to progressing to ESRD. Patients in any living state can die. Patients with CKD (state 3 or 4) can not tranition to no CKD (state 1 or 2). And according to the text but not the figure, patients without kidney disease but false positive screening (state 2) would go back to state 1 for the next cycle.
Some assumptions in the calculation:
The model used the following evaluation of CKD
The costs for the different states are outlined in the table below:
In the initial analysis eGFR was more accurate and more cost-effective than the serum Cr. Use of eGFR kept patients off dialysis (29 patients) and reduced deaths (13 patients) at the expence of an ocean of false positives:
But when you assigned a false positive CKD a slightly lower quality of life than a true negative, 0.98 versus 1.0, the serum creatinine came out more cost effective per quality adjusted life year (QALY).
Summary: the better test (as measured by the area under the curve of a receiver operator characteristics curve) loses to the worse test because of the decreased quality of life that results from a false positive reading. The false positives were so much more prevelant that they overwelmed the benefit from the decrease in death and ESRD found with the more accurate eGFR test.
This study has received tremendous publicity, likely because noone had looked at eGFR in this way before and it had a contrarian view. While the whole nephrology community has been pushing for routine eGFR reporting along with creatinine, Feldman comes and publishes a scathing indictment. Additionally, it makes good copy to say that nephrologists developed a new way to measure renal function that dramatically increases the demand for nephrology services.
My primary concearn with this study is two fold:
False positive diagnosis of CKD by the eGFR are real problems and Dr. Feldman has done the nephrology community a favor by bringing this issue to light. It would be interesting for Feldman to re-run his Monte Carlo simulation with various definitions of CKD, does an eGFR of 50 ml/min reduce the false positives enough to reduce the cost below the benefits? What about 45 ml/min (sometimes called CKD 3b)? It is important for a dialog to be initiated among primary care doctors, nephrologists and payers to come up with better definitions of CKD that don’t freak our patients unnecessarily while providing the best care we can.