Spooky Sodium, the Lecture

Last year’s NephJC on Jen Titze’s study on simulated Mars missions and sodium handling really baked my noodle.

Titze’s arm of research breaks the foundational laws of body fluids. Partly to help myself grasp the information, and partly to help spread this paradigm shifting research I created a 1 hour lecture on his work. I have given the lecture a few times, but I’m still not sure I have it right. I am offering the lecture to the internet to solicit comments. What did I get wrong? What is unclear? And I would like to add my outrage that when I went to the update in fluids and electrolytes pre-course that the ASN offered at Kidney Week this entire angle of sodium was completely ignored, except for one derogatory, snide comment. The legends of sodium, fiddling while their Rome burns .

One thing I am still having trouble with is the increased urine output at the highest sodium intakes. I get that free water clearance generates solute free water and this dilutes total body sodium decreasing the need to drink but this free water is only a hypothetical construct, it is not actually available to increase urine output. Right?

Here is the lecture:

Antibiotics and AKI for #MADID18 (now with video)

Last fall, Dr. Davis (@IDPharmProf) asked if I would be interested in speaking about antibiotic induced AKI. She was thinking of submitting an idea for a session on kidney disease and antibiotics. Later, she told me I would be sharing the stage with Bruce Mueller (@BAMPharmD), who would be talking about antibiotic dosing during AKI and CRT. This felt like agreeing to doing some Karaoke and then being told you are being paired-up with Frank Sinatra.

I did my best, but compared to Dr. Mueller, the only difference between me and Bozo was the red nose and floppy shoes.

Here is a screencast of the presentation and the slides for you to peruse. But if you ever get a chance to hear Dr. Mueller, don’t miss it. He is really good.



Keynote: MAD-ID Antibiotic Induced Acute Kidney Injury

PowerPointMAD-ID Antibiotic Induced Acute Kidney Injury

PDFMAD-ID Antibiotic Induced Acute Kidney Injury


The Dark Side and Light Side of Social Media

This is the topic that I was asked to speak about at the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis meeting in Vancouver. I have never had to speak specifically about the negative aspects of social media in medicine, though I have addressed in previous lectures. I thought it was a good exercise. Here is the talk:

Here are the presentation files:

#KidneyCON Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Workshop

David Goldfarb (@weddellite) and I put on a fluid, electrolyte and acid-base variety show at KidneyCON. The itinerary:

  1. IV fluid taste test
  2. Hypernatremia
  3. Management of calcium phosphate stones: to K-Citrate or not?
  4. Management of chronic hyponatremia, use of DDAVP
  5. Aspirin toxicity
  6. Hyperkalemia

Both of us had a bunch of additional cases that we didn’t get to so be sure to go deep into the presentation files.

Here are the presentation files: