Fractional Excretion of Sodium (Powerpoint is no longer available. The file got corrupted and I can’t open it. | PDF )
HIV and the Kidney
HIV and the Kidney (Keynote, PDF)
- Updated April 2013
- The lecture was about one hour.
- The section on APOL1 is rough.
- I would like a slide describing the transgenic mouse model studies by Klotman that showed that transcription of nef and pol are central to the disease.
- I need some notes on why I have 2 graphs on slide 16.
- Add some highlights to table in slide 23.
- Loved how slide 26 and 27 worked.
- I think there might be better data on steroids in HIV. Slide 51.
- Need to flush out IRIS and DILS from slide 67
- Add comment on adefovir slide mentioning that the hep B dose is a sixth of the anti-HIV dose
Uric Acid, Gout and Hypertension

For awhile I was really fascinated with this subject. Here are the posts I wrote on the topic.
- Updated June 2011
- Added CKD data
- included the two RCTs of allopurinol on CKD progression (both positive)
- 121 slides
- Keynote is 96mb, PDF 59mb
- You can do it in an hour, really, you can
- Here is a handout with miniatures of the slides (pdf, 3.8 mb)
Geriatric CKD
Sodium including electrolyte free water
Sodium including electrolyte free water (Keynote, Powerpoint PDF)
This is an older version of my hyponatremia lecture. This lecture has gone through various versions and though I like my most current version, others may like older variations better. Additionally the Keynote version (2014) is similar but not identical to the Powerpoint version (2013).
Acute renal failure from the basics to the latest advances
Acute renal failure from the basics to the latest advances (Keynote 71 MB)

Acid-Base (Powerpoint)
- This is a lecture written for medical students getting their first exposure to acid-base physiology.
- This is a version for residents where the learners have previous experience with acid base. (Powerpoint | PDF)
- Scope:
- primary disorder
- second primary disorders affecting compensation
- anion gap
- osmolar gap
- bicarbonate before
- The presentation depends on a brand new supplemental questions handout (Word, PDF). This is an 11 page book of 67 unique practice questions with answers