I create all of my presentations in Keynote. In the past I was able to present them in Keynote but due to construction and having to give lectures in 156 of North Foundation I had to convert the presentations to PowerPoint. And then hope that PowerPoint on the PC was mostly like PowerPoint on the one true computer, the Mac. It works surprisingly well, but this slide is an outlier.

Here is what it looks like in PowerPoint on my iMac

This is better, but how does this slide fit into the lecture? It is a summary slide after I have discussed two of the causes of the maintenance of metabolic alkalosis. Here is the slide that introduces the four mechanisms for maintaining metabolic alkalosis

Then the lecture describes kidney failure (the easiest to unsderstand)
After that I cover the mechanisms by which hypokalemia maintains metabolic alkalosis in 7 slides as seen here:
The I do the same for chloride (volume) deficiency in 7 slides:
After going through that I noted similarities between the mechanisms of hypokalemia and chloride deficiency, the summary slide is designed to highlight those. Looking at that slide now, it doesn’t do such a good job of that. Does this pair of slides work better?

Here is the revised powerpoint for you to download