Last fall I crossed the $10,000 finish line that was established for every participant on the MM4MM trip to Everest Basecamp. To everyone who donated thank you!
Now I want to squeeze the last bit of generosity from everyone in my network.
I’m raising the roof. The new goal is $14,000.
So once again I come to you with hat in hand.
I’m asking you.
I’m begging you.
If you have ever:
- downloaded a lecture or
- laughed at a tweet or
- Looked smart from a nephrology factoid you learned here or
- Played NephMadness or
- Learned about a new article at NephJC
Then consider throwing a few bucks toward multiple myeloma research. I’d love $100 donations. But what I’m really asking for is a mountain of small donations. Can you spare 25 tax-deductible dollars? What about 10?
Part of me feels that if I can’t engage my network to raise money for something as good as the MMRF then what good is this whole social media thing?
If you are the suspicious type, take a look at what I wrote about the MMRF here. This charity is doing medical research right. They take steps to keep doctors in the drivers seat of study design and that strategy is paying off with new drugs and breakthroughs.
Lets make a great fund push in the last week before I ship out to Nepal!