Renal Week 2008: Acute Kidney Injury Lecture: Can staging guide therapy

Claudio Ronco

We have no data. thank-you.

Various definitions of AKI change the prevalence and prognosis of AKI.

In RIFLE use the worse of cr or u.o to define category

States 200,000 patients have been used to validate RIFLE.

Systemic review of RIFLE in KI in 2008 by Ronco.

AKIN changes R to include increase in Cr of 0.3. Otherwise just sw2ithches I to 2 and F to 3.

Also the two creatines used to determine the 5change must be measured within 48 hours of each other.

Early initiation of RRT has theoretical benefits
Defintion on how to measure/define this are not established

He feels the failure of the ATN is due to Pagamini’s high, medium and low severity argument.

Much better talk

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