Acute renal failure: Seder Style

I gave the internal medicine residents of St John Hospital an ARF lecture Monday morning. This was a basic ARF lecture. No Powerpoint. I gave this lecture Seder Style. Every resident in the room read a paragraph or two. The Haggadah was a booklet-sized handout of 28 pages (8.5 by 11 sheet turned sideways with two pages per side so the 28 pages were only 7 sheets). Besides text and illustrations the booklet includes questions for discussion, case studies, and problems.

I’m pretty proud of it.


iPhone version.PDF

One Reply to “Acute renal failure: Seder Style”

  1. Dr. Topf,
    Your blog and presentations are very well put together.
    Hopefully, your research and work will reach more people and physicians as well as educational institutions. Your work including those involving rare disorders and electrolytes are very crucial perhaps more than you even realize. Many physicians and other medical professionals are not quite on the up and up when it comes to knowing about these things. I can only hope there will be more visitors to your blog, and that your research and publications will reach the eyes of many especially those who are training in the field of medicine. Please keep ahead in your field as you are good at what you do. Nice work. Your blog shows what a physician’s blog should look like and what a physician should be doing, as opposed to some other ones that can be seen online.

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