World’s Best Potassium Lecture part 1 of 3

Once agin I have the honor of teaching the second year medical students at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. I have 4 points of contact with the students:

  1. I get to run the first TBL of the renal section. It is on sodium and water
  2. I get to run an Acid-Base workshop
  3. I get to deliver a traditional Acid-Base lecture
  4. I get one hour to do potassium. Last year I tried to squeeze potassium, metabolic alkalosis and secondary/monogenic hypertension into that one hour. What a disaster. So this year I am going to flip the class took so that the students can learn the basics of potassium on their own and then do an interactive case based approach to the more advanced concepts. We’ll see if I get better ratings this year.
The lecture is mostly done, but not quite ready to be posted for download. However I did record the first segment. You can see that here.
I should have the other two segments online soon and when I do the lecture will be available as a PDF and a Keynote 2014 file.